Fellow golfers,

The flowers are blooming and there is a slight tint of green to the grass right now.  It means golf season is on its way!  In preparation for our upcoming season, we starting thinking and asking questions of how we can generate more play for 2018 and the years to come.  How can we get more golfers to participate in events, leagues, and contest in championships?  How can we create more people to frequent the facility and grow relationships throughout our mountain community?  How can we begin to rebuild what was once a strong core group of golfers for our resort?  These questions lead us to a conclusion that our current membership opportunities were not what we needed them to be to get to our goals.  So we decided to listen to our homeowners, locals, and guests and created the new Golf Membership Plan.  We have already signed up 17 new members to the program!

I have had many questions about the membership and there is also some confusion surrounding it. I hope this letter will help answer any questions you may have. 

The new Golf Membership would allow people to join the golf facility as monthly dues paying members.  We have always offered this in the past, but this new membership would be more simple, effective, and affordable.  There will be no associated Initiation Fee, which is nearly obsolete in the industry now, as it was always been seen as a barrier in the past.  The new Golf Membership is truly structured to get people on the golf course. 

Our current homeowners at Rumbling Bald enjoy the access to all facilities as they pay their annual dues to do so.   A non-homeowner who joins this program will only receive access to the golf courses and restaurants.  They will not be allowed to access the pool, wellness center, or beach facilities.  So, as you can see, there is separation between what a new golf member, who is a non-resident, can access, compared to a current homeowner.  It is also less expensive for a homeowner to become a member than a non-resident.

Our goal is to begin creating a new environment for golfers that is healthy and vibrant.  We want to see more players on these beautiful golf courses, more players in our member events, and more people in our restaurants, and hopefully, more people moving here.  It is a wonderful opportunity for us to embrace this as a community and move forward for the years ahead.

As always, feel free to come by my office at the Bald Mountain Pro Shop, or call me at 828-694-3040, or email at abowles@rumblingbald.com

Adam Bowles,PGA
Golf Operations Manager
Rumbling Bald Resort on Lake Lure


Below are the categories available. 

Individual Golf Membership

Only good for one family member. Membership includes unlimited golf at either golf course for a 12 month period. Includes all Green Fees and Cart Fees. Complimentary Range Plan is offered with this membership.
Monthly dues: Resident $199 • Non-Resident $229

Family Golf Membership

Only good for an individual, their spouse or significant other, as well as any children still living at home under the age of 24. Membership includes unlimited golf at either golf course for a 12 month period. Includes all Green Fees and Cart Fees. Complimentary Range Plan is offered with this membership.
Monthly dues: Resident $325 • Non-Resident $375

Weekday Golf Membership

Only good for one family member. Includes Green and Cart Fees at either golf course for a 12 month period. Only good for play on Monday – Thursday. If you choose to play on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday a $20 charge would be applied to the round. The Range plan is not included.
Monthly dues: Resident $185 • Non-Resident $209

Seasonal Resident

Available to any resident of Rumbling Bald Resort. Includes Green and Cart Fees good for either golf course. Only applicable for a 6 month period. Ex. Is from May 1st – October 31st. The Range plan is reduced to $99 in this category.
Monthly dues: Single $285 • Family $355

Annual Range Plan – Unlimited Use!

Annual dues Resident: Single $150 • Family $200
Annual dues Non-Resident: Single $200 • Family $235