Greetings Members!

The 2020 golf season is coming up fast and I know you are all looking forward to seeing more favorable golf weather to draw you out of your winter slumber, I certainly am. While the cool temperatures and drizzly days have settled in, our staff has been hard at work creating a schedule of events, a first-class merchandise program, and a plan for giving you the best golf course conditions you deserve. I am going to run through a few upcoming changes and plans for 2020 in this edition. As always, if you ever have a question, please call me at 828-694-3040 or email me directly at

Rumbling Bald selects Champions Bermuda for greens at Apple Valley Golf Course

Big things are coming in 2020 for our Apple Valley Golf Course. We are converting our 36-year-old, original, bent grass greens, to a premium Champions Bermudagrass. It is the putting surface you deserve, and they will fit perfectly with the championship layout of Apple Valley. We will be sending updates to everyone as we move through this process and we will have an opportunity for you to get out and play the new greens before everyone else. Stay tuned for that date.

Improvements made at Bald Mountain Golf Course

Bald Mountain has seen some minor, but critical, areas of tree removal. Some of the areas that have been improved are on #12, #13, #14 and #15. There are still many more areas that we will need to address to ensure you have a high-quality golf course. Bald Mountain is in great winter shape and we hope you will take advantage of those few days that the sun decides to peek its head out.

New World Handicap System

The World Handicap System is now a part of our life and we have adopted it here at the resort. Some of you may know that they have had a shaky start in the CGA with implementing the new system, but they are making great strides daily. If you need more information on the changes, please visit . There is a tremendous amount of information and videos to give you an idea of what has changed and what is new. If you have a handicap here at the resort and would like to continue in 2020, please come by the Bald Mountain pro shop and pay your annual dues of $22.

Golf Memberships Program

We launched a golf membership program in 2018 and it did exactly what we hoped, it succeeded. It gave our golfers an opportunity to get more involved with our golf program. We are still offering the golf membership and have placed a good deal of emphasis on the advantages of joining the program. Please visit our webpage or come by either pro shop for more information. If you are on the edge of wanting to play more golf this upcoming year and want to maximize your time and money on the golf course, do not wait any longer. Come and see what we have to offer.

2020 Schedule of Events

Our 2020 Schedule of Events is listed here. We have a wide variety of options for every type of golfer. We offer a Women’s Golf Association, Men’s Golf Association, Points and Greenies, Boys Night Out, Girls Night Out, and as always, a schedule that includes events for the player who is looking for fun and events for players who seek competition.  Please take a moment and print out the schedule and begin making plans. We hope to see you on the golf course soon!

Adam Bowles,
Golf Operations Manager
Rumbling Bald Resort